Monday, 5 August 2013


Settling in and anticipating the impact of school, everything changes next week. We went to the town I will be teaching in (spelt Koge, but with a line through the o, still working on proper pronunciation), a cute seaside town with an abundance of old crooked buildings lining the streets in the car free area of town. Crazy to walk by houses hundreds (500?) of years old.

We took a day trip to Copenhagen (Kobenhavn) yesterday and visited Christiania (I’ll write about it another time) and went to the FCK (FC Copenhagen) home opener. FCK lost their 3rd in a row, a poor start to the season. Gus told me later that he might like watching soccer better on TV because then he isn’t distracted by fat drunk guys who are smoking all the time, I told him Mom won’t let me smoke in the house. Just kidding. There was one guy who was a bit distracting at the game, funny to watch elite athletes on the field and just off to the side is the drinking smoking guy who looks like he couldn’t run the length of the field yelling at them for making mistakes, throwing his empty beer glass in disgust; sometimes not knowing the language is a blessing.

Being there definitely beats TV though, we were at field level and no amount of TV watching can prepare you for just how fast the players are moving, I won’t question injured players anymore, any impact at the speeds they are travelling has the potential to hurt. The chants and cheering are pretty fun too, even if you can’t sing along and don’t understand what people are saying (again in some cases that might be best).

It won’t be the last time technology makes a fool of me (or maybe it wasn’t the technology) but I can accept my ignorance and I know I have learned something. A young couple in front of us at the game asked me to take their picture and I held it backwards at first taking a picture of myself looking rather confused. I guess I still think of cameras as having a small hole to look through at the back and a larger lens at the front, but this was a phone not a camera. We had a good laugh about it, they have a great picture of the half-wit who sat behind them at the game (an American I should have told them) and Gus called me a dork.

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