Tuesday, 8 October 2013


Just to be clear I would not characterize myself as homesick, we are having a great time seeing new things, enjoying new experiences, blah, blah, blah. Yes a poem I wrote for class and posted awhile ago made it sound as though I was homesick, but I really am happy to be here and don’t want to leave yet. Still….
I do miss the familiar sound of CBC radio in the house and so last week we brought the laptop into the kitchen and prepared dinner with some old friends. It was nice to hear Jian Gomeshi’s voice in our house once again, and though the Doors’ John Densmore would not be a first choice as guest to visit our kitchen I couldn’t have been more pleased when who should drop in next but Margaret Atwood. The volume was too low, we had to be careful not to trip on the chord, but sounds from home transformed the kitchen, and suddenly it was home. Though we don’t always gather together in the kitchen to prepare the evening meal we did that night, all of us happy to gather round the 'radio' basking in the glow of Margaret’s voice. 

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